All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 76 in total

How to Stay On Track with Healthy Eating + Mealprep Guide • EP45

It's a NEW YEAR and we got NEW HABITS. If eating healthy and meal prepping is something you've been wanting to get better at, this episode is for you. I share exactly ...

How to Level Up in 2024 + My New Year Goals • EP44

We are covering exactly how to level up in 2024 and why setting not only yearly goals, but monthly goals is so important. Ironically, this is the first episode of 2024...

9 Ways To Survive Going Home for the Holidays • EP43


I Got Off Hormonal Birth Control + Naturally Tracking Your Cycle • EP42

I know for a FACT I'm not the only girl that thought it was time to get off hormonal birth control after being on it for 8+ years. This episode is for anyone flirting ...

My Personal Journey with Connecting to My Faith & How it Has Changed My Life • EP41

Today's episode is one I didn't expect to be making any time soon (a very vulnerable one, indeed). It's all about my personal journey and growth with connecting to my ...

Let's Play a Self Love Card Game: Reflect on the Past, Present, & Future with Me + Journal Along PT2 • EP40

Today we are playing one of my favorite card games ever again that reflects on the past, present, and future. I answer each question with the first thing that comes to...

How to Get Your Life Together + Hibernation Cleaning & Productivity Tips • EP39

Today's episode marks 1 full year of Grow As You Go Podcast 🥲 It's so wild to think we have been doing this for one full year already. In this episode, I go over a ste...

Let's Play a Self Love Card Game, Reflect on the Past, Present, & Future with Me + Journal Along • EP38

Today's episode is super fun and different. We are playing one of my favorite card games ever that reflects on the past, present, and future. I answer each question wi...

Answering Your Questions PT2: Unreciprocated Energy, Cold Plunges, Healthy Eating Habits, Living Alone + Making Friends in Your 20s • EP37

Another episode answering all of your questions! We get into how to deal with unreciprocated energy and low effort in relationships, benefits of cold plunging, and sta...

Answering Your Questions PT1: Breakup Advice, How to Be Okay Being Alone, Solo Dates Ideas, My Workout Routine + Fitness Tips• EP36

This episode is dedicated to answering all your questions. We chat fitness advice, getting into a good gym routine, my workout plan, gym anxiety/being a newbie at the ...

How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Alex & Abby Lynn • EP35

In this episode, I'm honored to have two of my favorite people on at once to give their take on how to keep a relationship healthy, functioning, and full of love. Abby...

The Challenge of Changing Your Life + Pushing Through Discomfort • EP34

If changing your life was easy everyone would do it. Is it gonna be day one or one day???? That's the biggest question. Let's make it day one but it's not gonna be a s...

Prioritizing Your Peace, Moving In Silence & Connecting to Your Faith • EP33

WE'RE BACK after one month of a break 🤍 I missed ya'll sm. This week I share three ways to level up in your life and really put into perspective what's important to yo...

Learning to Be Kind To Yourself Through Your Struggles + Mindset Shifts, Healing Journey, & Life Changing Habits • EP32

This episode I share a perspective shift that I had recently that has really helped me changed the way I think about times that I'm struggling or noticing that I'm bei...

It's Not Weird to Talk About Anxiety, It's Weird to Act Like it Doesn't Exist • EP31

We are finally sitting down and talking about ANXIETY. Anxiety is super normal and I refuse to let there be a stigma around it or anything mental health related. I sha...

The Importance of Slowing Down + Knowing When To Take a Break • EP30

Life is BUSY and if we don't take the time to tune in with ourselves, our stress levels, and how we're feeling, it could be effecting us way more than we can even imag...

Catch Up With Me: Perspective Shifts, Getting Good with your Finances, Getting Off Birth Control• EP29

This episode is basically you & I catching up over the phone. I share a bunch of life updates and things I've been dealing with in my own life personally in hopes that...

Answering Your Questions: Dating, Communicating, Self Regulating, Solo Dates, + Just Enjoying Where You're At • EP28

This episode is all about answering your questions and giving advice! We cover how to stay grounded in early stages of dating, telling someone how you feel about them,...

Answering Your Questions: Relationships, Breakups, Dating + First Date Advice • EP27

This episode is all about answering your questions and giving advice! We cover relationships, breakups, dating, first date tips, confidence, anxiety, how to build a ro...

My Current Summer Favorites, Habits, and Routines • EP26

In this episode, we're just two friends chit chattin' our favorites. We talk makeup, skincare, haircare, oral hygiene go-tos from a Dental Hygienist, habits + routines...

Prioritizing the Little Things + Self Discipline Is Self Love • EP25

It's SO easy to stop prioritizing the things that make you feel your best, especially when life gets busy or you're going through it. Those are the times prioritizing ...

26 Lessons Learned for my 26th Birthday • EP24

In this episode, I share 26 lessons I've learned for my 26th birthday!! We talk mental health, confidence, advice to show up in relationships and dating, fitness, and ...

Resetting After Traveling + Knowing When to Take a Minute for Yourself • EP23

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, but getting back from a trip can be super stressful and a time where you gotta let yourself take a break if you feel you ...

Where to Start + How to Thrive in Your Fitness Journey • EP22

I know it can be extremely overwhelming when wanting to start your fitness journey or maybe level up along the way. This episode is intended to help anyone with anythi...

How to Rewire Your Brain & Stop Negative Thinking • EP21

The amount of times I've fallen victim to my own thoughts is absurd. It took going through some dark times, for me to figure out how I could interrupt those negative/a...

How to Know if Something is Getting In the Way of Your Growth • EP20

If we aren't being mindful about the environments, people, and habits that we are consistently exposing ourselves to, we could be unintentionally creating roadblocks i...

10 Things That Life is Too Short For • EP19

This weeks episode was actually inspired by a journal prompt from the night before I recorded that I just felt would be perfect to make into it's own episode. I share ...

It's Okay To Not Know Where Your Life Is Going + You're Not Lost, You're Just Still Transforming • EP18

Just because you feel like you need to have it all figured out, doesn't mean that you're just magically going to. Growing up is super hard and honestly no one fully pr...

Why Waking Up Early & Having a Morning + Nighttime Routine Can Change Your Life • EP17

If you've been wanting to create the habit of waking up earlier but the thought of it seems too overwhelming and you have no clue where to start, this episode was made...

Answering your Dating Questions + Things I've Learned Dating PT. 2 • EP16

Let's talk the do's and don't of dating, in my opinion. In this episode, I answer your questions and we have a listener advice question at the end. Some key points of ...

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